In conjunction with Forged Alabama, Forged Georgia, Forged Illinois, and Forged Mississippi, the churches that make up this network have indeed been forged together through various forms of adversity to bring us to a place to allow God to shape us to serve in a new era together. We believe all we’ve been through has both prepared and clarified God’s preferred future for us as we now look forward to all God now wants to do through us together!
IN South Carolina
Forged exists to network new and existing independent Wesleyan churches and leaders for greater Kingdom impact.
- Life-giving and accountable relationships
- Shared theological convictions
- Sharing best practices and resources
- Opportunities to partner together in mission and ministry
- A multigenerational community of leaders committed to leaning forward to raise up, equip, and intentionally hand off leadership to the next generation
- Unlimited access to each other in the network
- Quarterly in-person gatherings
- Regular video conference calls
Prioritized at in-person gatherings and video conference calls
Accountability at the local church level by invitation
- Voluntary participation
- Local, regional, and global opportunities
- Church planting
- Raising up next generation of leaders
- Financial partnerships
While we affirm the faith as articulated in the EUB Confession of Faith, The Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church, and the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds *, the following represent central tenants our network lifts up as especially important.
- Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to salvation except through Him.
- The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God and contains all things necessary for salvation.
- Ministry should always be full of grace and Truth.
- Making disciples of Jesus Christ is our priority. We are committed to relational discipleship.
- We are engaged in being the hands and feet of Jesus in our local communities and beyond.
- All followers of Jesus are given gifts by the Holy Spirit to be used for the building up of His Church and the advancement of His Kingdom in the world. We are committed to the ministry of equipping followers of Jesus for this work. We are especially committed to the calling, equipping, and sending of younger generations for God’s work through the Church in the world.
- We affirm that marriage and sexual intimacy are good gifts from God. In keeping with the teachings of Scripture historically and throughout the Church universal, we believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union. We believe God intends faithfulness in marriage and celibacy in singleness.
Andrew Chapel
Methodist Church
Swansea, SC
Dr. Karl Coke, pastor
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Christ United
Myrtle Beach, SC
Jeff Dunn, Pastor
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St. Matthews, SC
Dr. Karl Coke, Pastor
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